
Reading is an eternal bliss. We all love reading. Reading has always blessed the mankind with pleasure and peace. Knowledge is never ending and it is a tool that keeps us on the move in this world. A book is our best friend. It can show you glimpses of the future as well as take you down the memory lane.

Pune has produced a huge list of authors and eminent writers who have presented us with a great collection of Literature.

Let it be Poems from Kusumagraj or Indira Sant or Plays by Vasant Kanetkar or Ratnakar could be Novels, Diwali Visheshank or Cookbooks or Children's Favorite Vikramaditya or Panchantantra.

If you need any book, new or old we can obtain it for you.

You may be wanting to stage a one act play...well Pune offers a wide choice of Plays...we shall also do the selection of the choicest plays. Kavi Sammelan may require books having choicest collections of Poems. Moreover, for the good old days sake why not Geeta and Dnyaneshwari.

Just ask Anil and he will get it for you!