
Pune is known for its wide perspective in Education. The city has the best of the institutes as well as the rarest of the institutes providing Education that is comparable to the best in the world. Besides Educational Institutes Pune provides scope for Coaching in Games and offers the competitive spirit that is rarely found anywhere else in the world.

Eminent Personalities in Academics and Sports have emerged from this city. The city is known as the center for "Quality Education".

Would you like your children to study in a School or attend college or complete specialization in various disciplines?

It need not be a cause to worry because we shall provide you with Course Details, obtain Prospectus, Application Forms and shall go through the formalities of running around for Admissions. What about the Stay? Pune offers Residential Courses...and ofcourse if Hostel accommodation is not available Anil is here to help you with bachelor accommodation near the Educational Institute.

After all Anil is going to be the local Guardian for the Student anyway.

Lila Poonawalla Foundation Scholarship for Girls in Pune